It's Amazing! —— Craig Bourne Would you like to see the world through someone else’s eyes? If you were to choose to see the world as someone else sees it, whose eyes would you choose to use? How about Jesus’? Wouldn’t you like to see people the way He does? You have heard it said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Have you considered that “ugly” is also in the eye of the beholder? This simple exercise will prove it to you. Try this experiment! You can use it at work, in the mall, at the airport or the ball game. You can try it anytime, anywhere. The first time you try it, you may want to choose an extreme example, just to make the results obvious to yourself. Pick someone whom you find particularly unattractive or repelling. (For me, I might pick a young “punk” with a baseball cap on backwards. I HATE backwards!)
Now — continue to look directly at the person and say in your mind, “I love you.” You will suddenly see a different person! Instead of seeing hardness in the face, you will possibly be able to imagine the circumstances that have carved the countenance the way it now appears. You will see more than features, clothing, behavior — you will see a real person, one who needs to be loved. If we can perceive people differently, and get that change of perspective so quickly — by this simple exercise — perhaps we will treat them differently. Perhaps, by changing our attitude towards others, we will be seen differently BY others in turn. |