The “Care Conference” The consensus among attendees at the International Conference on Christian Care was that it was an outstanding event.
People who attended the 1999 International Conference on Christian Care each came with different expectations. Some thought it might be focussed towards one type of person or another, but they learned that the “Care Conference” is for everyone! They had heard about the conference theme — “90% of Helping Is Just Showing Up” — but they were treated to powerful and poignant workshops and general sessions that provided them with insights and tools for working on the other 10%. One man commented: “This is the second Care Conference that I have attended, and both were super! I’ve attended other conferences, all with outstanding speakers, but with very little remembered. The Care Conference is different – in the applicability of thoughts and suggestions that tease your mind, your experience, and your entire being into becoming a whole new person.” With a mix of plenary or general sessions and breakout workshops, there was a wonderful cornucopia of topics from which persons could choose. Though many felt that the highlight of the conference was hearing Dr. Lewis Smedes on “Care-riffic Saturday”, all agreed that every session wonderfully supported the conference theme and strengthened their own 10%.