Feedback is Good!

Has an article in one issue or another of the Care Capsule been helpful to you? If so, would you share your thoughts with us? We will surely benefit and be able to make the Care Capsule even better by hearing from you.

Here are a couple of comments which were sent to us after our last issue was mailed:

#1. Got the Care Capsule yesterday. Read it all. Enjoyed it. I will be using the ‘7th friend’ suggestion today with [name]. He is dealing with multiple cancerous tumors on his liver. Hope to operate in a few weeks after the tumors shrink from his chemo treatments. Thanks for the suggestion.

#2. Jim: I really appreciated your article in the Care Capsule on feeding back feelings. Years ago [my husband] and I were seeing a counselor (long story) who taught us to do that for each other, and I subsequently learned to use it with students in my classes and with others. But it’s hard to always remember, isn’t it? Old habits die slowly and I forget to do it sometimes. Your article was a timely and needed reminder for me, and others I hope.

Please send your comments to Care Capsule, % Care Ministry, Crystal Cathedral, 12141 Lewis St, Garden Grove, CA 92840 or contact us by email at

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