Care Capsule


It Works !

Bev Michielson attended the Care Conference in 2001 and caught the vision so completely that she wrote a song, “Simple Acts of Care and Kindness”. Those who attended this year’s
conference joined her in singing it, as she served as our song leader.

After she returned home we received this note from her:

“I have GOT to tell you a story of what happened on the way home. Care and kindness IS contagious!

“My mom and I had a 3 hour layover in Chicago, so we got to our gate and there was a little Starbucks coffee shop by the gate. We got a newspaper and coffee and a little snack and sat down by the table. There wasn’t a soul there at that time. We chatted and then just buried our heads in the paper.

“Later, it got a little busier and the one table filled up, then the other. (there were only 3 ) We were engrossed in our paper, but I noticed a gentleman carrying (or attempting to) a bag of goodies, a paper, and his coffee. He was trying to organize it on one of those chairs that are in the waiting area. I bumped my mom and said we should go to the chairs and let these people have a table. We got up to leave and I told the gentleman to have our table so he could enjoy his coffee.

“He looked up at me and his eyes welled over and said, “No one has ever done that for me before. Thank you!” As I helped him get his things to the table, the guy at the other table grabbed my arm and said, “That was very thoughtful of you to notice that; to actually give up your table. Bless you.” I watched these two gentleman after that, and . . . you guessed it . . . they, too, gave up their tables to other people as they came in!

“THEN —the next set of people did the same!!!!! IT WORKS!”

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