Vision Statement
The Care Capsule is an outgrowth of the Conference On Care and Kindness and strives to broadcast the same message as the conference, which is that we can do better! We envision people who reach out to others in ways that go far beyond what is even typical of Christians today. Whereas one might expect Christians to have a much better track record at showing loving concern and support than society in general, it does not seem to be the case. Thus, we seek to To Inspire, Motivate and Equip People to Care for Others. We do this by leaving our daily zones of comfort and acting in simple concerned ways to the world around us, especially the human beings in our spheres of influence. In other words, it is the goal of the Care Capsule
and of the Conference to refine your sensitivity to words and actions The articles which are selected for each issue of Care Capsule are chosen as “capsules” of inspiration or helpful tips that will raise your awareness of ways in which you can become a MORE caring person. We can all do better! |