New Hope Basic Training Pre-Conference Wednesday, March 15 9:00 Welcome 9:15 * Turn in Volunteer Application and signed Statement of Policies tomorrow! Thursday, March 16 8:30 Additional New Hope Training Requirements: 1. On the Phones Training. This includes orientation, observing, and supervised counseling that is completed outside of class time. Please schedule this with Susan Balk as soon as possible. 2. Internet Training Option. Volunteers who want to counsel on the internet need to schedule an online training session with Sara Cruce. 3. New Hope Advanced Training Classes. These are offered as part of the Care Conference on March 16-18. (See accompanying schedule of designated workshops.) If you cannot attend then please make alternative arrangements with Susan Balk. 4. Study Materials. Please study the "New Hope Crisis Counseling" manual of handouts corresponding to each class and the "New Hope Notes" articles by Dr. Bill Gaultiere on 5. Continuing Education. New Hope CE classes are offered monthly by Dr. Bill Gaultiere. For first year counselors these are a required part of your training program. You can take your CE through the live classes (2 time options), listening to the tape ($5), studying the CE Notes (free if you're on Dr. Bill's e-mail list, $1 by mail). If you don't attend the live class and want CE credit, you can complete a short proficiency exam. New Hope Advanced Training Schedule
International Conference on Care & Kindness March 16-18, 2000 Designated Workshops for New Hope Trainees Thursday March 16 2:45 PM Friday March 17 10:45 AM Saturday March 18 12:00 PM || Care
Conference Home Page || Speakers
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