Motivating people to practice intentional acts of kindness


Humility means doing what has to be done. Yes, humility includes "not thinking oneself greater than others." However, the evidence of carrying such an attitude is a willingness to step forward instead of hanging back. It means offering a helping hand rather than waiting for others to ask, or for them to lead the way.

It is often pride, not humility, which causes us not to speak up, not to ask a question, not to volunteer, not to express opinions.

Often shyness, staying on the side-lines, is pride working, "I can't take a chance of saying something wrong; making a mistake; being conspicuous - lest some demands be placed on me, or I might seem foolish."

Humility is not that concerned with self and having to be flawless. It is characterized by seeing what is needed and stepping out to try to meet the need.

Students often act as if they already know what they came to learn. They fear showing their uncertainties, asking for help, showing their work. That's pride. Humility dares not to know everything; dares to show neediness.

Humility dares to say, "I don't understand what you said." Pride pretends to understand.
Humility will ask a person's name. Pride doesn't dare to show failure to remember.

Jesus was humble. But he didn't withhold himself with his head down. His humility is seen in meeting the needs of people. Doing what had to be done. Giving of what he had. Not protecting his reputation or his skin. He gave up his comfortableness to help people. (Phil. 2:1-11)

I once asked a group for a volunteer to play the piano. No one moved. Finally someone coaxed a young woman forward. She played superbly. Humility, she apparently thought, required this kind of reluctance. But that's not humility. Seeing the need, the humble person who has what is needed offers it—whether it's a question, an answer, or a talent. They do so even at the risk of looking arrogant. Pride, not humility, worries about appearance.

Humility may be paired with obedience. Humility is like being a servant who sees needs and reaches out to give.

      Silly Thoughts

At my age ’Getting lucky’ means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.

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Dr. James Kok

Dr. James Kok is the founder of the Care and Kindness Campaign