Home Speakers Schedule Register

Castleton Federated Church
Castleton, Vermont

Care Conference Speakers and Topics

The Joy of Care and Kindness

Jane LaBrutto - United Church of Dorset

Go Ahead ... Inconvenience Me
Bev will introduce you to the 15-Revolution. It is as simple and as difficult as being willing to give 15 minutes a day to be inconvenienced in order to help someone. It is not a complex new theology or an evangelistic concept. Because we are all selfish by nature, we do not default to helping others. The 15 Revolution sets out to reverse this trend, to make us more aware of the people in our immediate space and provoke us to be bringers of God’s life to the hurting world on our doorstep.

Beverly Carroll - Federated Church of Castleton

Just Visit!
To be present for helping someone who is either sick or in distress, we need to establish trust with them. We need to let them know we are present for them in any way we can help — be it physical presence, communicating by telephone, or mail — but always supplying them with hope, trust and love. The healing touch and the love of God is always present.

Jean Britt - Federated Church of Castleton

Following His Lead
God is at work all around us and He asks each of us to join Him a work designed especially for the gifts and talents He has given us. Ceil will talk about how God used the prayer chain and intercessory prayer to grow a ministry of encouragement.

Ceil Hunt - Federated Church of Castleton
