Care Capsule
Capsules of Motivation to Dispense Care and Kindness

Volume 3- Issue 2
May 2001



In This Issue

90% of Helping Is Just Showing Up

Check Your Story
At the Door

Naming The Elephant

Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice

How To Help Others

Do Not Take My
Pain From Me

Light Notes

International Care
Conference 2001

Just Being There IS Important

The Winners Are !!

God’s Getting Better At It

Care Capsule
Index Page

A Treasury Of Tips

                                                                                                                          — Editor


Since the Care Capsule came out with its first issue in January 1999, Dr. James Kok has provided a number of helpful tips and guidelines — essentials — for the caring person.

We believe this is a good time to pause for an overview of his vision — as seen by collecting the core thoughts of these past articles together in one issue. You will find them on the following pages — each containing the title of the original article.

Since our humble beginnings, many people have been added to our mailing list and may not have had the opportunity to read the entire list of valuable insights that Dr. Kok has shared with us thus far in these pages. This issue therefore provides a way for them to catch up and/or review these nuggets of gold.

Though the pieces you will find in this issue are the “Readers Digest©” version, you can read the articles in their entirety on the web site maintained by the Simple Acts of Care and Kindness Foundation (

There are more articles to come from Dr. Kok! He will continue to share his material and his ideas with the Care Capsule. His vision of starting a “tsunami of care and kindness” is brought down to the level of specifics and how-to’s in these articles and he assures us that there is much more to share.

Look for them in upcoming issues. His next article is entitled, “I Feel Your Pain



Dr. James R. Kok has a number of articles on the essentials for a caring person in previous issues of the Care Capsule.

A handful of basic tools — wrapped in courage—are the keys to open doors. He will continue his series in the next issue.

Dr. Kok believes there are 10–12 key concepts of which every caring person should be aware in order to step out as an effective friend and support-person.

They range from “naming the elephant” to “peace, peace when there is no peace”.

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