Care Capsule

This is the Year to Come!

Come to Garden Grove, California and experience it yourself. Deepen your God-given abilities of love and care by equipping yourself to walk along with others who are:

- grieving–whether adult or child

- having attitude difficulties

- struggling with medical decisions

- holding a different belief system or faith

- wanting to be more effective being God’s light

- and much, much more

These are topics that will be addressed at the
Conference on Care and Kindness. Come join us.
You will be “blessed, to be a blessing.”


Register Today

Care Conference Registration includes: All general sessions, choice of workshops, and Care-iffic Saturday. Also includes two lunches, two continental breakfasts, one dinner, plus the Banquet and entertainment.

Individual Registration:
$149 – Special registration (must be postmarked before 2/7/08)
$179 – Registration postmarked 2/7/07 – 3/15/07

Group Registration:
$129 – Per person (5 or more)

Care-iffic Saturday only: $40

Banquet only: $30
Cancellation Fee: $35

Phone (714) 544-5679

Fax (714) 704-5080

Information (714) 971-4031


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