Care Conference 2003 The sixth annual International Conference on Care and Kindness was held at the Crystal Cathedral March 13, 14, 15, 2003 and was judged to be highly successful by all standards. The comments quoted below from feedback forms submitted at the end of the conference, and a few of the pictures shown here that were taken by our official photographer, Dan Whedon, give an indication of the joy and the growth that the participants enjoyed. We learn by example, and I could feel the care and kindness all around me. Conference topics are always excellent. I always get something to use anew, as well as refresh “old” skills. Provided some concrete & practical ideas for helping a church to be more caring. This was emotionally, spiritually & intellectually stimulating for me. I am thinking about bringing my husband back here next year. The content of the conference provided information,
affirmation & encouragement in regards to extending care & kindness
to other people. Each year I am blessed by what I take home to better equip myself to reach out with care and love. I got so much out of this conference, especially to be still & listen to others and especially to God. Also, that I can give simple acts of kindness everyday. This was my first conference and I was very pleased and inspired by everything. I felt a real sense of community. I’m going back to my church refreshed and ready to care for people.
I’m glad there was a chance to get the tapes
I was pleased with the conference. Very good seminars and so much to learn. I feel I can take this home and use it to help people, and show them care and kindness. Good variety of subject matter offered – all geared to take back & use in our own care ministry. Awesome! Very gentle and caring to all of us. This has been a powerful conference. Speakers inspirational. Interesting “coincidences” in meeting people with potential future relationships. I sensed the Holy Spirit very alive and working at this conference. Gained more confidence to share Jesus with others. Helped our “walk” as Stephen Ministers in giving distinctly Christian care. |