Care Conference 2004 The sixth annual International Conference on Care and Kindness was held at the Crystal Cathedral March 11, 12, 13, 2004. A sampling of pictures taken during the three-day event and quotations from feedback forms submitted at the end of the conference give an indication of the joy and the growth that the participants enjoyed.
“My first conference. I felt very welcomed and not only learned a lot, I was reminded of many important things that I needed to revive. Thank you. “ “My first time - very, very inspiring - excited to carry home the info. Hope to return.” “Worth travelling 6,000 miles. For me, it was wonderful (WOW)” “Lots of encouragement given - appreciate the help - great conference” “First time - I will be back. I have made some serious decisions!” “Wonderful! I go home inspired, uplifted, refreshed, nourished and eager to share and pass on what I’ve learned and experienced.” “Thank you for your hard work. You certainly honored our Lord with your hospitality. So much to learn together with God’s people. I leave with a full head and heart.” “A wonderful, enlightening experience. We will use this on our Stephen Ministry at our church.” “Third conference for me - but went away with more new tools that will be put to use on depression, suicide, how to choose a nursing home, how to be a better listener for sick people, etc.” “Super line-up of general session and workshop speakers - Interesting variety of topics. I was blessed, welcomed, enriched, empowered, renewed! A rich experience.” “This has been a truly remarkable three days, - we learned so much and only pray that we can reflect this in our lives as service to God.”
“So motivational in so many different aspects of daily life.” “For me, it is an opportunity to connect more and exchange experience with my fellow counselors. I can relate more. I always find new insights.” “Once again, I have been refreshed - refilled with the resources to support my desire to serve my Savior and my Lord in my relationship with others.” “Terrific! Great! Encouraging, exciting, educational - Spirit filled!” “Awesome!” “Good variety of subject matter offered – all geared to take back & use in our own care ministry.” |