Care Capsule

Care, Kindness and War
continued from Page 1


Another tough form of bringing change is through legal action. While there are many frivolous lawsuits today, some are absolutely justified. Ideally, people talk things out and reach reasonable agreements. Or with the help of a trained mediator, settlements are reached without strife. But there are occasions when talks fail — when negotiated settlements cannot be reached.

There are also times when injustice and unfairness hurt people badly and all their cries fall on deaf ears. It is then time to fight. Sometimes the fight is clearly one of opposing evil. When a lawsuit aims at righting a wrong that cannot adequately be addressed by other means, it is a good thing. Carelessness, slipshod workmanship, greed, laziness, rage — all are evil or potential evils. Strong action to penalize or punish may be the only way to stop them.

It may be arguable, but I believe a vast majority of improvements in our world are the result of legal action against conditions, products, and customs that were hurtful, either by neglect or willful indifference. Human nature doesn’t easily change until clobbered.


The Bible admonishes us to have a talk with our “brother” when wronged. This is usually the first step. But even Jesus met circumstances where he jumped directly into vigorous muscular action. On one occasion he grabbed a whip and physically raged at the merchants who were violating the sanctity of the temple. Care and kindness of the ordinary kind would not get the job done.


Now we are at war against terrorism. It is more than terrorism. Human freedom is being fought for. The way women and children are restricted and deprived in the terrorist world is evil. God stands for freedom, which includes God’s intention that all people are given opportunities to grow, learn, become developed mentally, physically, socially. We are fighting for that noble cause, too.

We are engaged in a fight worth dying for if we are fighting for human freedom. We are fighting to create a world where all people can obtain what they need — to enjoy the wonders of creation and contribute to the building of God’s kingdom and the good of humankind.

May God guide George W. Bush in this vital campaign.

Dr. James Kok is Director of Care Ministry for the Crystal Cathedral Congregation of Garden Grove, CA. He has been an ordained minister of the Christian Reformed Church of America for 35 years. He speaks extensively throughout the United States and Canada. His hands-on work as a pastor has led to a profound understanding of the issues and dynamics of personal grief and human suffering on which he has written and spoken at length.

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