March 16 - 18, 2006
A collection of topics that are
MORE than inspirational
they will be Transformational!
A conference to refine your sensitivity
to words and actions that help
— not hurt
The Care and Kindness Conference aims to motivate good people to higher levels of loving kindness in everyday life. All speakers help equip and train those attending in more knowledgeable and skillful ways of "being present" and encouraging to others.
New Release !!

By James R. Kok
The Miracle of Kindness will change you for the better as soon as you read chapter one. The change will be easy, gentle, natural and beneficial to everyone you meet.
Reading this book will put you on the team working to make the world better through Simple Acts of Care and Kindness. The loving kindness of good hearted people is a powerful force for peace on earth. xx
Price: $15.00 |
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