About the Book

There is not one person who is unable to lift another’s spirits. This book intends to motivate and teach people to extend themselves every day, everywhere they go. You have love in your heart that others need. Share it—it’s that easy to make the world a better place. God is love; so love is God flowing through you. The mandate of Christian living is to be actively loving – and this book shows you it’s possible and easy.

A comprehensive illumination of Dr. Kok’s entire vision for the Care and Kindness movement, this handbook will continue to serve as a reference and a valuable resource as you become an "Ambassador of Kindness." The practical tips provided will equip you to increase your sensitivity to the cares of the people you meet every day. The book is full of care and kindness anecdotes, illustrating how small acts delivered daily can brighten the world. Such behavior is the Spirit of Christ flowing through ordinary souls.

A discussion guide draws out the key concepts and stimulates thoughts on how to apply Dr. Kok’s concepts to everyday living.