Alzheimers Disease - Maureen Reagan
Assessing Your Spiritual Gifts - Dr. Tino Ballesteros
Building Faith and Spirituality in Children - Vicki Wiley
Can A Christian Love A Muslim? - Dr. Bill Baker
Care and Kindness for Beginners 10 Important Essentials - Dr. James R. Kok
Care Through Prayer Without Words - Dr. Jan Pfeffer
Caring For Those Different From Ourselves - Wrise Booker
Circles of Care with Christ at the Center - Rev. David A. Paap
Communication That Really Helps and Heals - Dr. Sande Herron
Equipping Christians for Care and Kindness - Rev. David A. Paap
Guiding Children Through Life's Losses - Phyllis Wezeman
How Music, Groups and Styles Affect Teens - Jack Woolworth
How to Increase Closeness, Care and Competence - Dr. Bill Gaultiere
Identifying Mental Illness In Youth - Kati Mester
Insights About Caring for the Disabled - Rochelle Exelby
Kids With A Message - Columbine Kids
Kind Ways to Respond to Grief - Susan Balk
Lectio Divina - Rev. Dr. Vicki Orr
Listening, Learning and Loving - Dr. Frank Freed
Mental Illness' Unique Needs - Dr. Gunnar Christiansen
Parenting Difficult Children - Dr. Eric Evenhuis
Possibility Living - Dr. Robert A. Schuller
Raising Respectful Children - Peg Windish
Retirement, The Grand Illusion - Rev. John Coulombe
Self Care in the Senior Years - Dr. James R. Kok
The Six Most Asked Questions About Funerals - William G. Hoy and Margie Hilgenfeld Field
Strength in Gentle Hands, Courage in Humble Hearts - Rev. David A. Paap
Take S.A.C.K. Home With You (panel) - Shirley Zink
Marital Tune-Up - Debbie Hutchinson
Take S.A.C.K. Home With You (panel) - Shirley Zink
Teens: Sex vs. Love; Knowing the Difference - Helen Fabian
Uncommon Decence: A Case for Civility - Dr. Richard J. Mouw
Unique Grief of Hospice Care - Ray Hommes
Where Is God in All This - Dr. James R. Kok
Without God No Recovery (Addiction) - Phil Allen
Dr. Richard J. Mouw
Uncommon Decency: A Case for Civility in Our Christian Community
As Christians we are called to stand with passionate conviction for the values and imperatives of the Gospel. But just as clearly, we are called to communicate our positions in sane and civil ways. President Mouw notes that Christians have not been as successful in promoting the causes of civil discourse, and explores the urgent need for Christian civility in an uncivil world.
Dr. Richard J. Mouw
joined the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary as professor of Christian
philosophy and ethics in September 1985. In September 1989, Dr. Mouw was appointed
provost and senior vice president of Fuller Seminary. In July 1993, he assumed
the presidency of Fuller. Dr. Mouw began his academic studies with a B.A. in
English from Houghton College. He subsequently received his master's degree
in philosophy from the University of Alberta and his Ph.D. in philosophy from
the University of Chicago. Prior to his appointment at Fuller, he served for
17 years as professor of philosophy at Calvin College.
Dr. Tino Ballesteros
Assessing Your Spiritual Gifts
God has given you one or more spiritual gifts if you are a Christian, and discovering that gift or gifts will be a thrilling experience.
Dr. Tino Ballesteros is a second generation Presbyterian Church minister. He is presently Minister of Christian Education at the Crystal Cathedral. He oversees the education ministry as well as the Ministry Associate Training program. He is a graduate of Southern College and the Presbyterian School of Christian Education; he received his doctorate from Union Theological Seminary.
Kati Mester
Identifying Mental Illness In Youth
Learn how you can become part of the solution to the alarming escalation of mental health problems and suicides in the schoolroom. By learning to identify symptoms of mental illness, you will feel less fearful and more empowered to help yourself and others.
Kati Mester
has been a NAMI-OC (National Association for Mental Illness) Board Member since 1999 and serves on the Advisory Board of FaithNet. As a family member, having lost her mother to suicide, and as a consumer (someone diagnosed with a mental illness), Kati sought support and an opportunity to advocate on behalf of the mentally ill by joining NAMI of Orange County in 1997. She has worked continuously as a volunteer counselor and trainer at the Crystal Cathedral's NEW HOPE Crisis Hotline and she is employed by the Mental Health Association of Orange County as an SSI Outreach Specialist and a Rehabilitation Worker serving the mentally ill population of Orange County.
Insights About Caring for the Disabled
A practical guide to opening your mind and heart to become more sensitive to obvious or hidden disabilities in others. Improve your sensitivity towards others who perceive the world differently and interpret the environment through other senses.
Rochelle Exelby currently
provides one-on-one orientation and obility training for those who have visual
impairments in Vancouver, Canada. She received her postgraduate training in
Orientation and Mobility, and a degree in Rehabilitation for the Blind in Ontario, Canada, where she spent six months under a blindfold, participating in daily activities in the community. She also volunteers as a Regional Consultant for the Christian Reformed Pastoral Ministries to assist churches in becoming more sensitive to persons with disabilities and provide for their specific spiritual needs within their church community.
Guiding Children Through Life's Losses
Losses everyday events and extraordinary occurrences are a way of life. They range from major losses, such as death and divorce, to minor losses like broken promises and changing seasons. This workshop offers adults a way to help children acknowledge the loss, express their feelings, and attempt to recognize an opportunity for healing and growth.
Phyllis Wezeman is Director
of Christian Nurture at First Presbyterian Church in South Bend, Indiana and
President of Active Learning Associates, Inc. She has served as adjunct faculty
at Indiana University, South Bend, from which she holds an M.S. in Education,
as well as Adjunct Faculty in the Theology Department of the University of Notre
Dame. She is a consultant or board member of numerous local and national organizations
and leader of a six-week youth exchange program to Russia and the Ukraine. She
is an "honorary Professor" of the Saint Petersburg (Russia) State
University of Pedagogical Art, where she has taught for extended periods on
three different occasions. She is author or co-author of over 550 books and
articles on creative approaches to education and positive activities for peacemaking.
David A. Paap
Strength in Gentle Hands, Courage in Humble Hearts
During the past 25 years, more than 7,400 congregations have found the Stephen Series to be a powerful means for equipping laypersons to provide high quality, distinctively Christian, one-to-one care for people who experience crises and needs of almost every kind. You will learn how the Stephen Series works, receive a taste of the new Stephen Series training materials, and gain practical skills for caring in distinctively Christian ways.
Dr. Dave Paap is Program Director for Stephen Ministries, St. Louis. He has been on staff for 17 years and currently serves on the top management team along with Dr. Kenneth Haugk, the organization's Founder and Executive Director. Dr. Paap was pastor of a congregation for ten years and has retired as a chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserve after more than 25 years of service.
Rev. Paap was honored to receive the inaugural Crystal
Wave Award in 1999 on behalf of Stephen Ministries, St. Louis.
Rev. David A. Paap
Circles of Care with Christ at the Center
Rev. David A. Paap
Equipping Christians for Care and Kindness
Jan Pfeffer
Care Through Prayer Without Words
Prayer is often presence, relationship, and touch, rather than merely correct words. Current research will be presented supporting the power of this type of prayer for health, healing and extended life expectancy.
Dr. Jan Pfeffer is Senior Vice President of Nexus Consulting, a company that does management consulting and transformation breakthrough. She is Pastoral Liaison and Director of Partners In Care at San Francisco Solano Church. She conducted research on the Effects of Personal Prayer and Touch on Recovery after Cardiac Surgery at Mission Hospital. She is on the Religious Outreach Committee for the Alzheimer's Association and has firsthand experience with care-giving, since her mother has Alzheimer's Disease.
Dr. Pfeffer earned her Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology
from the University of California, Santa Barbara, her Masters in Pastoral Counseling
and her Ph.D. in Relational Psychology from Trinity College of Graduate Studies.
Eric Evenhuis
Parenting Difficult Children
This workshop is intended for anyone who is a caregiver to a difficult child/adolescent. Topics discussed will include: Learn how to never argue with your child again; Learn how to improve your child's grades without nagging; Learn how to intervene in destructive behavior. Everyday our children are faced with decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. Parents can have a very significant influence on the decisions their children will make.
Dr. Eric Evenhuis is
a marriage and family therapist in Upland, California. A graduate of Calvin
College, he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in Pastoral counseling from
Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a chaplain in the Christian Reform Church.
Building Faith and Spirituality in Children
How can we, as adults, nurture a life of faith in our children? What is spiritual formation and how does it differ from the formation of faith? You will learn the characteristics of spiritual and faith formation and practical ways to lay the foundations for our ministries to set the stage for knowing God.
Vicki Wiley is Minister
of Faith Formation at El Dorado Park Community Church in Long Beach, California.
She oversees all the ministries for children, all educational ministries of
the church and all outreach for the community within and outside the church,
and the training and equipping of lay ministers. Vicki is the Children's Bible
Researcher for Thomas Nelson Publishers and a student of Theology at Fuller
Theological Seminary.
The Unique Grief of Hospice Care
The grieving process is one of the most misunderstood concepts in modern life! Grief has certain characteristics that give it a life of its own. Learn how to deal with death and grieving and you will be taught how to really live.
Ray Hommes is a Volunteer/Bereavement
Services Manager for VITAS Hospice Care in San Gabriel Valley, California. He
has worked as chaplain and has also led many bereavement support groups while
working as a Marriage and Family Therapist for the past eight years. He has
served as a missionary to Japan, teaching Pastoral Care and Counseling and he
is deeply conscious of the role culture plays in death and dying. Ray received
his Bachelor of Arts from Calvin College, his Master of Divinity from Calvin
Theological Seminary and his Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller
Theological Seminary.
Bill Gaultiere
How to Increase Closeness, Care and Competence
We all want to be as effective as we can be in our work, relationships, and helping. The key is in managing feelings. Join Dr. Bill as he teaches you a six-step model for how to respond to your own and others' feelings.
Dr. Bill Gaultiere is
the Executive Director of New Hope Crisis Counseling at the Crystal Cathedral
and the founder of,
the world's first website to offer live, private online
counseling for free. Dr. Bill is a Clinical Psychologist with a private practice
in Irvine, where he lives with his wife and three children. He offers free self-help
articles and other resources on his website,
Without God No Recovery
How to assist Christians and their families who are in the strong hold of addiction and/or alcoholism. Identify and address in an honest, loving and caring manner the disease of addiction which affects so many within our communities today. Without God, there can be no recovery.
Phil Allen is the Christian
Track Coordinator for local recovery ministries at Sober Living By The Sea.
He facilitates groups, workshops, bible studies, lectures and is the liaison
with local church ministries of all denominations.
Alzheimer's Disease
Maureen Reagan, daughter of President Reagan, is committed to raising awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of caregiver support. She was appointed a member of the Alzheimer’s Association’s National Board in 1999. Well known as a political analyst and talk show host, Maureen Reagan’s distinguished public service career has given her a broad perspective on the challenges facing America. Her ability to articulate those issues clearly and succinctly is the reason she is a sought-after lecturer, speaker and commentator. Top
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Columbine Kids
Kids with a Message
They call themselves normal kids with a message. Richard
Elisha, Courtney and Evan are survivors of one of the most horrific tragedies
in this country. They not only survived, but have turned their "scars into
starts" with a mission to spread their message of care and kindness to
as many people as will listen. They want people to change so the Columbine High
School disaster won't happen again.
Kind Ways to Respond to Grief
Are you at loss of words for what to say when someone is experiencing grief? Are you aware of the many losses in life people deal with other than death? Are you unsure about the kind of help to offer to someone grieving? Do you avoid grieving people completely because you feel you have to fix them? Susan will be bringing to her workshop stories of her own personal losses in life and the hundreds of men and women she has listened to over the years for the care that helps.
Susan Balk has been Director of Training for New Hope, a twenty-four hour telephone crisis counseling center, for eight years. An experienced speaker on grief, she is past-president of the Achievers Toastmasters Club. She has a certificate in continuing education program for "Ministering to Families After a Traumatic Death" and has completed both the Basic Training for Clinical Pastoral Education and the Robert H. Schuller Institute course for "Successful Communication".
Frank Freed
Listening, Learning and Loving
Dr. Frank Freed is the Executive Director
of the Crystal Cathedral Counseling Center, having served in this position for
the last nine years. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and holds graduate
degrees from Stanford University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the Fuller
Graduate School in Psychology. Dr. Freed is also an ordained minister in the
conservative Baptist Church and served as a pastor for sixteen years.
John Coulombe
Retirement, The Grand Illusion
John also works alongside the Christian Association of Senior Adults. (C.A.S.A.), a national network ministry for churches. He has led conferences, workshops and seminars for such organizations as Leadership Network, Greater Los Angeles Sunday School Association, C.A.S.A., American Society on Aging (A.S.O.A.), and Christian Management Association.
John Coulombe is a graduate of Judson Baptist College, Biola University
in La Mirada, CA and Talbot School of Theology.
Dr. Vicki Orr
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is Latin for Divine Reading, a practice in which one is led in slow steps of listening, meditating and contemplating a particular passage of Scripture in order to allow the Spirit of God to speak.
Pastor Vicki Orr is
the Senior Associate Pastor at Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission
Viejo. She is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California
with a Master of Divinity in 1985 and a Doctor of Ministry in 1994. She wrote
her dissertation on prayer and healing.
Teens: Loss, Depression and Suicide
Shirley Zink taught
school before she began her family. She has been a New Hope telephone crisis
counselor, trainer and facilitator for 9 years. She is the Director of the International
Conference on Care and Kindness and co-chairs the Simple Acts of Care & Kindness
Festival committee. She founded the Simple Acts of Care & Kindness Foundation
(S.A.C.K.), whose vision is to support and promote the Care Conference, S.A.C.K.
projects in churches and schools. She and her husband own West Coast Fund Raising.
Shirley Zink
Take S.A.C.K. Home With You
(Simple Acts of Care and Kindness Panel)
Debbie Hutchinson
A Marital Tune-Up
In caring for others, it is important to care for ourselves and those who are dear to us. Learn to care, share and eliminate despair from your relationship.
Dr. Debbie Hutchinson
is the Director of Staff Development at the Crystal Cathedral Counseling Center.
She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has been seeing clients
at the counseling center for 6 years. Dr. Hutchinson has a special interest
in working with adults who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She
has celebrated 20 years of marriage and has a 14 year old son and an 11 year
old daughter.
James R. Kok
Self-Care in the Senior Years
Dr. James Kok is Director of Care Ministry for the Crystal Cathedral Congregation of Garden Grove, CA. He has been an ordained minister of the Christian Reformed Church of America for 35 years. He speaks extensively throughout the United States and Canada.
During his ministry Dr. Kok has specialized in the training of lay men and women, pastors and theological students in the art of caring and counseling, first at Pine Rest Christian Hospital and now at the Crystal Cathedral.
With Dr. Kok as the director, the Crystal Cathedral is
an approved center for Clinical Pastoral Training. This is accredited training
for seminary work specializing in the truly pastoral side of ministry. Dr. Kok
provides both Extended sessions and Summer Intensive sessions.
Dr. James R. Kok
Where Is God In All This?
God gives the strength, hope and
spirit to recover from the most awful of life's train wrecks.
God doesn't send them.
Dr. James R. Kok
Care and Kindness for Beginners
10 Important Essentials
A basic step
by step outline refocussing this vital Care and Kindness project in a way everybody
can grasp and practice. Care and Kindness is needed and it is possible! All
conference resources point toward one thing--improving Christian willingness
and effectiveness in demonstrating love, encouragement, support, and every other
form of spirit lifting help. This seminar gives the practical guidelines necessary.
Robert A. Schuller
Possibility Living
A brand new book calling Christians to care-ful living. Our Lord values our bodies and gives us the gift of life. Dr. Schuller inspires us to a high level of self-care that's possible and rewarding.
Dr. Robert Schuller is founder
of Rancho Capistrano Ministry and co-hosts Hour
of Power, the most widely watched religion program in America. An accomplished
author, he has wrtten ten books. He earned his BA degree in Liberal Arts at
Hope College and received his Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary
and his honorary doctorate degree from National Hispanic University in San Jose,
CA.. Dr. Schuller has four children and resides in San Juan Capistrano with
his wife, Donna.
Bill Baker
Can A Christian Love A Muslim?
A dedicated peacemaker shows how God's Christian people can look on Muslims with love and compassion instead of with fear and hatred. Those who listen to Bill Baker will be moved out of their previously settled ideas about the world of Islam.
Dr. Bill Baker is the Founder and Executive Director of CAMP (Christians and Muslims for Peace.) The organization, based in Southern California, has membership in North America, Europe, Africa, the Philippine Islands and the Middle East. He is a member of the Near East Institute of Archaeology and the Oxford Philosophical Society. He completed his studies in the U.S. at the Cincinnati Christian College and Ozark Christian College. His international graduate studies include the Near East Institue of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Oxford University iin Great Britain.
Dr. Baker is a professor of Ancient History and Sacred Literature. His book, More In Common Than You Think: The Bridge Between Islam and Christianity, published in 1998, is in the process of being translated into Arabic, French and German.
Sande Herron
Communication That Really Helps and Heals
Learn the simple secrets of extraordinary communication that provide healing and help for both the listener and the speaker! Workshop includes voice training, telephone techniques, training on how to handle difficult people and how to help people in crisis. SPECIAL BONUS: you will learn the three magic words that will get you out of just about any tough situation.
Dr. Sandra Whitacre Herron is Director of the Singles Ministry at the Crystal Cathedral and is a trainer at the Fuqua International School of Christian Communications. Her many careers include being a credentialled and licensed teacher, speech pathologist and psychotherapist.
Sande's personal experiences with several
life-threatening illnesses and divorce are what give her both compassion and
credibility. Her family includes a blended family of eight children, eleven
grandchildren and an ebullient dachschund named Pikku. Her favorite activity
is flying with her husband Jim in a plane that he built.
Gunnar Christiansen
Mental Illness' Unique Needs
Dr. Christiansen will guide an interactive discussion between the audience and panelists. Rev. James Stout and Paul-Abram Constantine, who have grown in their Christian outreach because of and in spite of having a mental illness. The workshop will focus on both the challenges of having a mental illness and the opportunities our congregations have in meeting the unique needs and taking advantage of the potential contributions of those affected by mental illness. In addition, Paul-Abram will share with us in his original songs, his story of having manic depression and the role his faith in Jesus Christ has had in his battle with this disorder.
Dr. Gunnar Christiansen
earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Stanford University in 1956 and achieved
his M.D. and Masters Degree from the University of Oregon Medical School in
1961. He is retired after 20 years of practice after having been a Board Certified
Ophthalmologist. He is serving as the Chairman of the California Alliance for
the Mentally Ill's Outreach to the Faith Community ("FAITH-NET"). He is the
First Vice President of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, immediate
past President of NAMI California, and is the Regional Representative for Southern
California for the Presbyterian Serious Mental Illness Network (PSMIN).
Caring For Those Different From Ourselves
Wrise Booker pioneered in psychodrama, gaming and other innovative techniques for clarifying personal issues and improving self-esteem. Optimizing human potential and individual accomplishment has been an important and consistent emphasis in Wrisë D. Booker's career. In her roles as educator, human behaviorist, organizational analyst, national speaker and business executive, Ms. Booker has spent over twenty years helping individuals, organizations and companies identify and achieve key goals.
She holds a degree in English from Denison University and was appointed to a teaching fellowship. She also received a teaching fellowship at the University of Michigan, where she obtained her Master of Arts degree in Counseling
Ms. Booker's served as Dean of Counseling and Dean of Student Affairs at The
Claremont Colleges. Se was Manager of Human Resources at Times Mirror Cable
Television, Inc. before becoming the company's first Director of Organization
Development. She is President of Reid Dugger Consulting Group, which she founded
in 1987. This firm specializes in organization development, with particular
emphasis on strategic planning, management development, diversity management
and change management. Ms. Booker serves as the executive director of the NAMIC
Foundation and her firm is also the managing partner for two trade associations,
NAMIC (formerly National Association of Minorities in Communications) and the
Cable and Telecommunications Human Resources Association (CTHRA).
Music, Groups and Styles Affect Teens
Jack Woolworth pursued an education in psychology before becoming a minister, where he started with the youth group at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. Eventually his work with teens led him to be a consultant for churches setting up Youth Ministries in the Southern California area. Jack and his wife Sandy have raised 28 children, many from the juvenile court system. From this experience, Jack teaches parents how to use rules and discipline in ways that work well with teenagers as well as with younger children. After many years of working and counseling with literally hundreds of teens, Jack has used his distinctive style and remarkable insight to develop a system of tapes, workbooks, and seminars that help both parents and children come together to become effective and healthy families.
Teens: Sex vs. Love; Knowing The Difference
Raising Respectful
Learn more about why some children cooperate and other don't. Learn how you can help them to become happy, cooperative members of your family team.
Peg Windisch is the founder of Raising Respectful Children, which is a dual program for parents and children and has been in operation for over four years. She has credentials in Parent Education and has been teaching parenting courses and seminars for over eithgt yhears in San Diego and nationally. Three years ago she founded and developed the Super Kid's Club, a social skills and character-building program for ages 6 through 12 years. For five years she has been a director and counselor of the Adventure Tream Summer Camp. She conducts private coaching sessions with families who have takent the RRC family program. She is an author of children's stories, including her most recent, titled Attention.
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William G. Hoy and
Margie Hilgenfeld Field
The 6 Most Asked Questions About Funerals
This workshop is structured around six key questions most often asked and is an educational seminar designed to provide participants with basic information about funeral and memorial options.
William G. (Bill) Hoy is president of Grief Resources, Inc. in Seal Beach, California and serves as a consultant in grief education at Hilgenfeld Mortuary. Bill also serves as an adjunct professor of health science at Cypress College and is a nationally-recognized speaker on issues of death, bereavement, and loss.
Margie Hilgenfeld Field is president of Hilgenfeld Morturary in Anaheim, California. She grew up in a funeral director's family and is the third generation of her family to operate the mortuary. Margie is joined in the family business by her husband Gary and their daughters, Cindy and Becky.