Motivating people to practice intentional acts of kindness
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Conference Schedule

Friday, March 21

6:30 PM Check In / Networking

7:00 PM Worship

7:30 PM General Session
How to Become a Happier Person
- Dr. James Kok

Saturday, March 22

9:00 AM General Session
Looking at the Average Man or Woman
- Dr. James Kok

  10:00 AM Workshops
  1. “Listening — Much More Than Words Can Say” - Sande Herron
  2. “From Forgiving to Blessing Those Who Hurt You” - Dr. Vicki Orr
  3. “Changing Lanes; Redefining Retirement” - Dr. Beverly Battaglia
  4. “Coping With Loss” - Rev. Jeff Funk
  11:15 AM Workshops
  1. “Listening — Much More Than Words Can Say” - Sande Herron
  2. “From Forgiving to Blessing Those Who Hurt You” - Dr. Vicki Orr
  3. “Changing Lanes; Redefining Retirement” - Dr. Beverly Battaglia
  4. “How Do We Help” - Abbey Nishimoto, Lon Wagner

12:30 PM Lunch (provided)

  1:30 PM Workshops
  1. “Coping With Loss” - Rev. Jeff Funk
  2. “Telling the Story” - Fred Wind
  3. “How Do We Help” - Abbey Nishimoto, Lon Wagner

2:45 PM General Session
God is Love. Love is God.
- Dr. James Kok

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Transform Belief Into Behavior

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religious book

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Dr. James Kok

Dr. James Kok is the founder of the Care and Kindness Campaign

You really shouldn’t say “I LOVE YOU” unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.
— Jessica- age 8