The S.A.C.K. Foundation (Simple Acts of Care and Kindness) was first announced in the Care Capsule in our November 1999 issue. Founded as an outgrowth of the Care Conference, its mission is to enrich lives through Simple Acts of Care and Kindness. Its focus has been to expand the vision of the conference into the secular world you can get more detailed information by checking out the Foundations web site at www.simpleacts.org. The hot news! is the KINDer Kids program! It was first introduced in early April at the National Association of Elementary School Principals convention in San Antonio. The program is very exciting; it is unique in its approach to teaching kids about care and kindness through relevant activities. Each of six different social skills (or attributes) are emphasized in 3-6 week time blocks (Care/Kindness, Patience, Acceptance, Courtesy, Respect and Generosity.) Bev Michielson (see article with one of her comments) has composed and recorded a very singable kids song for each of the attributes. The CD of these songs is part of the materials placed in every classroom. Another element, created by Karen Gedig Burnett (author
of Grandma Rose books) is called What
It Is / What It Isnt. These situational cards are used to help role-play various
situations related to the attribute. For example, when the focus in on
Generosity, the following situation is suggested: Somehow
you were selected to go first the last 4 days in a row. The kids first demonstrate the wrong behavior (What It Isnt), such as taunting or boasting and then they role-play What It Is how they would properly show generosity in that situation. There are 20 suggested situations for each of the six attributes, so the kids should be able to give lots of thought to real-world applications to the actions they can choose to take. Another effective tool used by the program is the Look What I Can Do! sticker chart. Children are given recognition stickers when they demonstrate the focus behavior at school or at home. As they accumulate stickers, they are awarded prizes from the Treasure Chest to provide additional reinforcement. This is just a quick glimpse of a tremendous program read the details at the Foundations web: www.simpleacts.org/kinder_kids