Friday, May 2
6:15 PM Registration
6:30 PM General Session
How to Become a Happier Person
- Dr. James Kok
7:15 PM Workshops
- Visiting the Sick: ways to give care, comfort & courage, keeping healthy boundaries - Rev. Randy Parks
- Care for the Caregiver - Judeth Forlenza Wesley
- Deep Meditation to Calm the Mind, Body and Soul - Linda R. Marciniak
- Storytelling: How God’s story and our stories intersect - Chris Jacobsen
- Spiritual Temperaments: Discovering Paths to Deeper Intimacy With God - Rev. Michael & Carrie Johnson
8:15 PM Closing Prayer and Comments
Saturday, May 3
8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 AM General Session
Looking at the Average Man or Woman
- Dr. James Kok
9:30 AM Workshops
- End-of-Life Decision-Making - Terri Reicher
- Be Not Afraid: Turning to God in Times of Fear and Uncertainty - Janet Pfeiffer
- Delivering Healing & Growth for Adult Children of Alcoholics - Roland Petit
- Depression in Children: Fighting Back - Sue DeBell
- Active Listening: More than words can say - Andrea Wasser-Malmud
10:45 AM Workshops
- Health Care Decision-Making - Anna’s Angels
- The Role of Art Therapy in Healing - Bea Kettlewood and Melinda DeBell
- I Don’t Wanna Talk About It: Dealing with Unspeakable Illness - E.J. Emerson
- Healing Power of Forgiveness - Janet Pfeiffer
- If only I had…Dealing with Regret: How to let go and let God - Tom Bartha
11:45 PM Lunch (provided)
12:15 PM Workshops
- The Great Truth: Shattering Life's Most Insidious Lies That Sabotage Your Happiness Along with the Revelation of Life's Sole Purposes - Janet Pfeiffer
- Substance Abuse Counseling – What You Can Do- Timothy Dunn
- Journey Ahead: Aging with its Challenges and Opportunities- Carol O’Neill
- Dealing with Family Mental Illness - Andy Rienstra
- Becoming a Mental Health First Aider -Robert Parker
1:40 PM Workshops
- After Diagnosis: Life... Moving from Devastation to Extraordinary Living - Jim Henry
- How to Help and Safeguard Your Child from Abuse - Sonia C. Reyes
- Bouncing Back: How Care and Kindness Breed Resilience - Panel Discussion - Ron Franklyn
- Caring for those experiencing Fetal and Infant Loss - Beth Cipoletti
- Emotional First Aid - Pat Taranto
2:30 PM General Session
God is Love. Love is God.
- Dr. James Kok
3:30 PM Closing