Motivating people to practice intentional acts of kindness
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Conference Schedule

Friday, May 2

6:15 PM Registration

6:30 PM General Session
How to Become a Happier Person
- Dr. James Kok

7:15 PM Workshops

  1. “Visiting the Sick: ways to give care, comfort & courage, keeping healthy boundaries ” - Rev. Randy Parks
  2. “Care for the Caregiver” - Judeth Forlenza Wesley
  3. “Deep Meditation to Calm the Mind, Body and Soul” - Linda R. Marciniak
  4. “Storytelling: How God’s story and our stories intersect ” - Chris Jacobsen
  5. “Spiritual Temperaments: Discovering Paths to Deeper Intimacy With God” - Rev. Michael & Carrie Johnson

8:15 PM Closing Prayer and Comments

Saturday, May 3

8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 AM General Session
Looking at the Average Man or Woman
- Dr. James Kok

9:30 AM Workshops

  1. “End-of-Life Decision-Making ” - Terri Reicher
  2. “Be Not Afraid: Turning to God in Times of Fear and Uncertainty” - Janet Pfeiffer
  3. “Delivering Healing & Growth for Adult Children of Alcoholics” - Roland Petit
  4. “Depression in Children: Fighting Back” - Sue DeBell
  5. “Active Listening: More than words can say ” - Andrea Wasser-Malmud

10:45 AM Workshops

  1. “Health Care Decision-Making ” - Anna’s Angels
  2. “The Role of Art Therapy in Healing” - Bea Kettlewood and Melinda DeBell
  3. “I Don’t Wanna Talk About It: Dealing with Unspeakable Illness ” - E.J. Emerson
  4. “Healing Power of Forgiveness ” - Janet Pfeiffer
  5. “If only I had…Dealing with Regret: How to let go and let God” - Tom Bartha

11:45 PM Lunch (provided)

12:15 PM Workshops

  1. “The Great Truth: Shattering Life's Most Insidious Lies That Sabotage Your Happiness Along with the Revelation of Life's Sole Purposes” - Janet Pfeiffer
  2. “Substance Abuse Counseling – What You Can Do”- Timothy Dunn
  3. “Journey Ahead: Aging with its Challenges and Opportunities”- Carol O’Neill
  4. “Dealing with Family Mental Illness” - Andy Rienstra
  5. “Becoming a Mental Health First Aider” -Robert Parker

1:40 PM Workshops

  1. “After Diagnosis: Life... Moving from Devastation to Extraordinary Living” - Jim Henry
  2. “How to Help and Safeguard Your Child from Abuse” - Sonia C. Reyes
  3. “Bouncing Back: How Care and Kindness Breed Resilience” - Panel Discussion - Ron Franklyn
  4. “Caring for those experiencing Fetal and Infant Loss” - Beth Cipoletti
  5. “Emotional First Aid” - Pat Taranto

2:30 PM General Session
God is Love. Love is God.
- Dr. James Kok

3:30 PM Closing

on February 17, 2014 !

Jim Kok's new book will be released on February 17. Watch for further news !

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Dr. James Kok

Dr. James Kok is the founder of the Care and Kindness Campaign

You really shouldn’t say “I LOVE YOU” unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.
— Jessica- age 8