While bending over to lock my bike, a motorcycle skimmed past behind me and parked next to me. Rather than act startled, I said to the young man, 'Wow! What a pretty bike you have!" He told me all about it as he took off his helmet. Then he asked if I rode my little Schwinn folding bike often, and for some reason I said, "I'm celebrating my 80th year by doing things many people aren't able to do at my age!" (I don't know where that came from!) He smiled and said, "I think that's terrific! Can I give you a hug?"
There we were in front of Ralph's, a guy in his 20's and someone who could have been his great-grandmother, embracing and celebrating the joy of our 'wheels'. Parting, we both said at the same time, "Be safe now." He went into the store. An older man who had witnessed our exchange walked past me and with a smile said, "Yes, you be safe now."
Our joy had touched a passerby, which proves that our feelings are contagious.
- Rhea Zakich
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Laugh Lines Silly Thoughts At my age ’Getting lucky’ means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. |